I think that subversion should install the tools that it depends on.
I may or may not install cygwin at any version and SVN should not
know or care.
subversion has no business installing to another vendors dir.
Installing in c:\program files\cygnus\cygwin is very bad practice
in my view.
(a) its not subversions (b) its not where cygwin is installed on
my box (c) Don't corrupt my cygwin install as a side effect of
SVN install.
To do this I think that the files in c:\program files\cygnus\cygwin
should be installed in a subdir of c:\program files\subversion,
c:\program files\subversion\utils. Then an "App Paths" registry key
should be set for SVN.EXE to
c:\program files\subversion;c:\program files\subversion\utils
Under Either:
depending on admin access.
Add a Value named "PATH" with the path in it.
alternatively SVN extends it PATH with putenv and does not both
with the registry/windows tricks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Blair Zajac [mailto:blair@orcaware.com]
> Sent: 14 August 2002 19:26
> To: Subversion Developers Mailing List
> Subject: svn-0.14.1-r2927-setup.exe & cygwin
> When I run svn.exe from the svn-0.14.1-r2927-setup.exe install
> from a Cygwin bash shell on Windows 2000, I get the following error:
> $ pwd
> /c/Program Files/cygnus/cygwin/bin
> $ ls
> cygintl-1.dll cygwin1.dll diff.exe diff3.exe
> $ ./diff.exe
> c:\Program Files\cygnus\cygwin\bin\diff.exe: *** MapViewOfFileEx
> 'shared'(0x12), Win32 error 6. Terminating.
> Running diff.exe from a cmd.exe works fine.
> It appears that the cyg*dll in this SVN install are from 1.3.11-3 by
> running strings on the dlls, while the cygwin package I have on my
> system is 1.3.12-4.
> If I move the cyg*dll out of this directory, then running diff.exe
> from Cygwin bash works fine. Copying my 1.3.12-4 cygintl-1.dll and
> cygwin1.dll into the directory also works fine.
> Given that we want to run svn from cmd.exe and on systems that may
> or may not have Cygwin installed, I think the installer will need
> to be smarter about what it installs and how it finds diff.exe
> and diff3.exe.
> If a system has Cygwin installed on it, then it should use Cygwin's
> diff and diff3. This prevents Cygwin DLL mismatches and prevents
> future problems when users upgrade either Cygwin and/or SVN
> independently.
> If the system doesn't have Cygwin installed, then it can install
> the Cygwin DLLs. We still have a problem if later on a user
> installs Cygwin and then run's svn from Cygwin.
> Of course, long term we'll have an internal diff library and can
> skip all this, but we need a short term solution here.
> Are there any capabilities in the install tool to scan the binaries
> and libraries for strings and replace them with the path to diff
> and diff3? ActiveState's Perl installer does this so Perl can be
> installed anywhere on the system.
> Best,
> Blair
> --
> Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>
> Web and OS performance plots - http://www.orcaware.com/orca/
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