Eric Gillespie wrote:
> Nuutti Kotivuori <> writes:
>> The svn:mime-type property is a MIME-type, not a Content-Type,
>> hence it should not carry charset information.
> You sound confused; reading <>
> will probably clear it up. Content-Type is just the header used
> to express the media type in two protocols (MIME and HTTP); it is
> irrelevant to this discussion. A media type includes optional
> parameters, one of which is charset.
Like I said in my mail - this was the rationale, and the terms, that
were _given_ to me when I asked the same thing. It was on IRC though
and I don't recall who gave me the answer. I do know that the RFC2046
specified media types do require the possibility of giving parameters.
> If Subversion wants to provide an additional means to specify the
> encoding, that's OK (though i think it's a bad idea to have it
> specified in two places), but disallowing the charset parameter in
> the svn:mime-type property is incorrect.
Incorrect is a bit of a strong word in my opinion - incorrect would be
declaring that svn:mime-type is an RFC2046 media type if no parameters
are allowed. But nothing is incorrect in using that property or
several different properties with whatever ad-hoc formats to produce a
proper Content-type response in the HTTP protocol.
-- Naked
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Received on Thu Aug 8 15:15:03 2002