> Quoting Josef Wolf <>:
> > On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 10:20:01AM +0200, wrote:
> >
> > > Josef, would that be a good compromise?
> >
> > Definitely! Hmm... One step further could even be "svn ls %%/branches"
> > to see which branches are available or "svn cp %%/trink %%/tags/foo".
> > But this seems to be getting a big change, so it probably should be
> > left for after-1.0...
> No, that wouldn't be much of a problem. The arg parsing code would just convert
> %%/ to whatever the repos URL is. Once that is done, I think most commands would
> just work.
> > BTW: what about escaping on the command-line? AFAIK would
> > stumble on %%? What about /bin/sh?
> Yes, shell escaping can be a problem. I'm not particularly wedded to %%; I'm
> sure we can find a prefix that's both easy to type and safe in the vast majority
> of cases/shells.
I'd prefer to use ^ instead because people are already used to meaning
the beginning of a string in regular expressions. Unfortunately, the
cmd.exe on my W2K box ignores it unless it is protected by "'s:
C:\>echo ^test
C:\>echo "^test"
No Unix shells have an issue with ^.
Blair Zajac <>
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Received on Thu Aug 1 18:35:33 2002