"Morris, Mitchell" <Mitchell.Morris@cingular.com> writes:
> My other observation here is that there is probably a high correlation
> between being stuck behind a HTTP proxy firewall and the presence of an
> JavaScript configuration file suitable for IE or Netscape (cf. IE's "Use
> automatic configuration script") that would describe the proxy (or proxies)
> plus a mapping between the hostname/domainname/IP/other property of the
> desired host and the matching proxy to use. Given the wide prevalence of
> such a script, shouldn't we (1) see if somebody already has a suitable
> library for finding and/or interpreting it or (2) generate such a library?
> We can't be the first people to want to solve this particular problem.
These are all concerns for the apr_get_http_proxy() interface, yah.
But the *most important thing* is, get SOMETHING working now :-), then
add the cool stuff (such as looking in secret places for the proxy
information). Cool stuff can be added to the apr function gradually,
as reality teaches us what belongs there. We don't need to get it all
on the first pass, right?
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:56 2006