On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 06:47:49PM -0500, Greg Hudson wrote:
> > There is no simple syntactic marker that you can place into a URL to
> > separate the pieces, and still retain the ability to surf through
> > them (for example, say we put the repos path after a "?" mark; that
> > would blow away surfing thru the repos).
> I'm (genuinely) unclear on what the "surfing" operation is and what
> requirements it imposes on the form of URLs. Unless you just mean
> what you wrote below:
Yup. Exactly.
> > Consider my www.lyra.org web site. I want to put the whole bugger
> > under version control. I don't want users to surf my site using URLs
> > like:
> > http://www.lyra.org/$sys/greg/index.html
> > I want them to use http://www.lyra.org/greg/index.html.
> A valid point, though maybe outside of our core functionality. I'm
> not sure whether I think it's compelling, or whether it would be
> better to say that the user-visible web site needs to be a "view" into
> the repository rather than the repository itself as presented by
> Subversion.
I'm not necessarily saying that "a feature is to version-control a web
site." I'm saying that "a feature is that you can surf the repository."
It is a natural by-product of how a repository is exported within the URL
namespace of a server.
Even cooler... Just think ViewCVS (or cvsweb) built right in.
[ and yes: I also think a lot about directly exposing your repository as a
web site. an excellent site authoring and management tool :-) ]
Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:22 2006