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Re: Original WC revision

From: Toby Johnson <toby_at_etjohnson.us>
Date: 2004-08-03 16:51:08 CEST

Max Bowsher wrote:

>Toby Johnson wrote:
>>Rather than branching for each task/ticket, we create a new working copy
>>of a particular portion of the repository for each ticket. Sometimes
>>that WC is committed/updated multiple times (for big tasks, our managers
>>prefer commiting often, rather than just once when the ticket is
>>finished), and I was wondering if there's a way to, in a particular
>>working copy, automatically diff between HEAD and when that WC was first
>>But as long as people put the ticket # at the beginning of their log
>>message, it's not that big a deal.
>Hmm. Doesn't provide any isolation from what other developers are doing.
>Though it does isolate multiple different changes being worked on by the
>same developer simultaneously.
Hey man, you're preaching to the choir. I have to fight my battles one
at a time. :)

The problem is that for some reason there are developers on my team who
are very prone to wiping out weeks' worth of work, and getting a backup
from tape takes at least a day, which is usually about 23 hours too
late. So version control has the added function of ad-hoc backups for us.

Actually, though, it's not so often that the WC is actually updated.. so
in that case, is there a way to accomplish this, even if all files in
the WC have been commited (or are new adds)?

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Received on Tue Aug 3 16:52:03 2004

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