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Using subversion for webdevelopment

From: Steven Vasilogianis <svasilogiani_at_kmrrec.org>
Date: 2004-08-03 16:47:30 CEST

Short version:

How do people use subversion in web development environments, where
it's impractical for every developer to have a web server installed

Long version:

I'm trying to setup Subversion here at work to aid us in our web
development. I'm wondering how people typically handle the problem of
web development using Subversion.

We have three servers, one for development, one for testing, and one
for production, and I like this setup. It would be impractical for
each of us to have a local development server setup, because it would
be way too much maintenance, and not everyone is capable of setting it
up (e.g., our designer).

I also think it's impractical for us to have to first commit our
changes to the repository, and then go to the development server and
check out those changes in order to test them.

I suppose one solution might be to use a post-commit hook which checks
the repository out on our development server, but how would I do this

So, how is this typically handled?

Thanks for reading,

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Received on Tue Aug 3 16:47:51 2004

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