Hi Yael,
> Hello
> I would like to know if the subject situation is normal.
> Moment 1 (folder structure)
> Etudes
> >tags
> >>copytrunk
> >>>src
> >>>example
> svndumpfilter exclude /Etudes/tags/copytrunk < dump > filter
> The log shows 3 dropped nodes: copytrunk, copytrunk/src and
> copytrunk/example
> Moment 2 (I deleted example)
> Etudes
> >tags
> >>copytrunk
> >>>src
> svndumpfilter exclude /Etudes/tags/copytrunk < dump > filter
> The log shows that copy trunk is still there
Of cause it does - you said that you deleted "example". Why do you
expect that the parent folder (copytrunk) would not be there anymore? Or
do you have a typo here?
> Conclusion: if you have a deleted subfolder it is not possible to
> exclude the folder?
Maybe you could attach a repro script presenting the exact commands you
perform to illustrate your question/issue?
Stefan Hett
Received on 2016-04-15 13:00:21 CEST