Re: point of time dump?
From: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 13:52:33 -0700
> On Jan 19, 2016, at 12:57 PM, Eric Antonio Maquiling <> wrote:
Hello Eric,
The first question you might want to ask your managers is what they expect that dump to look like. Do they want a single point in time or would they like to see change over a range of time. How that question is answered could save you some time and would give you some idea of a direction.
To present the code as a snapshot of a point in time, you could look at the "svn export" command and specify either a date or revision number corresponding to the date you are looking for. This dump of code could easily be burned to an optical disk for archival. You can use a date with the '-r' option to select a revision.
To present the code as a change over time, you have a couple of options. You could perform the same export as above but do so for each revision of the repository over the selected range. This could be automated creating separate directories or folders for each revision. This would allow an intuitive way of browsing the code base over time without the use of svn technology.
If you need to present the actual changes, then using various options of the "svn log" command could show the deltas of each commit over the same range. Use of the '-c' option might allow for outputting each commit as a separate file through automation.
Again, find out what your managers expect that dump to look like.
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