point of time dump?
From: Eric Antonio Maquiling <ericantoniomaquiling_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 11:57:06 -0800
SVN on Linux
First let me say, I'm the sysadmin, not a developer so they tasked me to get
But here's something they asked me to do. Mind you, this is all management
They (managers) want a dump of code they can look at from say 1 and a half
I *think* what they want is to be able to dump the repo, from 1.5 years ago, to
What I typically do for them is just do a check out to my local PC, and burn
So what I (they) want is a CD with code that is 1.5 years old.
-- ericReceived on 2016-01-19 20:57:14 CET |
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