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AW: AW: AW: Segmentation Fault with SVN Client related to serf

From: <pierre.viret_at_postfinance.ch>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 07:56:31 +0000

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Philip Martin [mailto:philip.martin_at_wandisco.com]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2015 14:51
> An: Viret Pierre, PF54
> Cc: users_at_subversion.apache.org
> Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Segmentation Fault with SVN Client related to serf
> This is a bit confusing:
> 2015-01-06 15:43:24,260 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> 2015-01-06 15:43:24,261 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Do not send null key back
> to client null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> That's the HTTP status line so why the message about not sending it back to the
> client? I'd expect everything to break if the proxy doesn't send the status line
> back. Is the proxy really blocking the status line?
> It's hard to believe so I think the message must mean something else.
> If you were to use a socat proxy between the client and your main proxy we could
> see exactly what the client is receiving.
> I see the client sending 2 OPTIONS requests which is typical for a modern client
> negotiating Subversion's v2 protocol. The first server response contains SVN-Me-
> Resource indicating a modern server that supports v2, but the second response
> does not include it. Why did the server stop supporting v2? Is there some sort of
> load balancer sending requests to multiple servers, or some sort of HTTP caching?
> Almost all the headers are missing from the second OPTIONS repsonse.
> The client goes on to send v1 PROPFIND requests to !svn/vcc/default and
> !svn/bln, so the second OPTIONS response appears to have prevented the
> v2 protocol being used.
> It's still not clear to me why the client fails but it may be hard to reproduce outside
> of your environment given the strange behaviour of the server.
The status line is not blocked. The debugging message means that we have got an header with a null key and with the status line as value: in this case the header is not added to the request sent back to the client. This seems to be common that some HTTP Implementations return such a null key header in the list of headers of a request.

I don't think that we would get more informations using socat because our http proxy should debug everything it gets, but I could give it a try.

We are using subversion server version 1.8.10: maybe is the behavior there other than with older versions?

I send you here the debugging output in case the "svn ls" command runs without crash: this could help to understand the problem.

2015-01-06 15:36:28,358 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - Creating for https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,358 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - setRequestMethod(OPTIONS)
2015-01-06 15:36:28,358 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning GET
2015-01-06 15:36:28,359 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'GET' in internal delegate with new value 'OPTIONS'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,359 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,359 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of request headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:28,359 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Content-type: text/xml
2015-01-06 15:36:28,359 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Host:
2015-01-06 15:36:28,359 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Accept-encoding: gzip
2015-01-06 15:36:28,359 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Content-length: 131
2015-01-06 15:36:28,360 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Dav: http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops
2015-01-06 15:36:28,360 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Connection: keep-alive
2015-01-06 15:36:28,360 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>User-agent: SVN/1.8.10 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) serf/1.3.7
2015-01-06 15:36:28,360 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Connecting to server...
2015-01-06 15:36:28,360 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - connect()
2015-01-06 15:36:28,360 DEBUG SslSocketFactory - Creating an unconnected SSLSocket()
2015-01-06 15:36:28,373 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,373 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - getOutputStream() with method == OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,373 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,373 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,374 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'OPTIONS' in internal delegate with new value 'TRACE'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,374 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning TRACE
2015-01-06 15:36:28,374 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning TRACE
2015-01-06 15:36:28,374 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'TRACE' in internal delegate with new value 'OPTIONS'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,374 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,374 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 131 bytes from client
2015-01-06 15:36:28,375 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><D:options xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:activity-collection-set></D:activity-collection-set></D:options>
2015-01-06 15:36:28,375 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from client: 131
2015-01-06 15:36:28,375 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Retrieve all cookies for URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,375 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Append cookie: Navajo=lB6gRrXKzIf8j95DB+BruG8ugtinhoR3n2Om7LJZ0nonTZhhMQVX3xBP57bHgSFNtaaf+Rkry2w-
2015-01-06 15:36:28,507 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - save cookies from URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,508 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====200 OK
2015-01-06 15:36:28,510 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of response headers: 23
2015-01-06 15:36:28,510 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2015-01-06 15:36:28,511 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Do not send null key back to client null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2015-01-06 15:36:28,511 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Repository-MergeInfo: yes
2015-01-06 15:36:28,511 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Allow-Bulk-Updates: On
2015-01-06 15:36:28,512 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Rev-Root-Stub: /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/rvr
2015-01-06 15:36:28,512 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Length: 201
2015-01-06 15:36:28,513 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Txn-Root-Stub: /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/txr
2015-01-06 15:36:28,513 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-VTxn-Root-Stub: /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/vtxr
2015-01-06 15:36:28,513 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Repository-UUID: 0926ec5e-c495-11e3-b81a-bb1aca739395
2015-01-06 15:36:28,514 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====ch.nevis.session.secroles: auth.strong,idma_Benutzer,infplat_user,esclienttest_roleBC,esclienttest_roleA,esclienttest_roleB,depo_Admin,itam_Leser,itam_Administrator,itsms_asset_viewer,itsms_svc_req_usr,testsaml_admin,global.allow,acc.idma,acc.infplat,acc.esclienttest,acc.depo,acc.itam,acc.itsms,acc.testsaml
2015-01-06 15:36:28,514 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Connection: close
2015-01-06 15:36:28,514 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Server: Apache
2015-01-06 15:36:28,514 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====DAV: 1,2, version-control,checkout,working-resource, merge,baseline,activity,version-controlled-collection, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/atomic-revprops, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/partial-replay, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/inherited-props, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/inline-props, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/reverse-file-revs, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/ephemeral-txnprops, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/replay-rev-resource
2015-01-06 15:36:28,515 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-VTxn-Stub: /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/vtxn
2015-01-06 15:36:28,515 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Rev-Stub: /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/rev
2015-01-06 15:36:28,515 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====MS-Author-Via: DAV
2015-01-06 15:36:28,515 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Me-Resource: /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/me
2015-01-06 15:36:28,516 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:36:29 GMT
2015-01-06 15:36:28,516 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Txn-Stub: /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/txn
2015-01-06 15:36:28,517 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Repository-Root: /svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,517 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Supported-Posts: create-txn, create-txn-with-props
2015-01-06 15:36:28,517 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
2015-01-06 15:36:28,517 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====SVN-Youngest-Rev: 16
2015-01-06 15:36:28,518 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Set response code to 200 and length to 201
2015-01-06 15:36:28,529 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 201 bytes from server
2015-01-06 15:36:28,529 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - <====<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:options-response xmlns:D="DAV:">

2015-01-06 15:36:28,530 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from server: 201
2015-01-06 15:36:28,530 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - done.
2015-01-06 15:36:28,644 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>OPTIONS /svn/t_sponis_testrepo HTTP/1.1
2015-01-06 15:36:28,645 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Opening connection to URL: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,645 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - Creating for https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,645 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - setRequestMethod(OPTIONS)
2015-01-06 15:36:28,646 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning GET
2015-01-06 15:36:28,646 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'GET' in internal delegate with new value 'OPTIONS'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,646 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,647 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of request headers: 5
2015-01-06 15:36:28,647 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Transfer-encoding: chunked
2015-01-06 15:36:28,647 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Host:
2015-01-06 15:36:28,647 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Accept-encoding: gzip
2015-01-06 15:36:28,647 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Dav: http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops
2015-01-06 15:36:28,648 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>User-agent: SVN/1.8.10 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) serf/1.3.7
2015-01-06 15:36:28,648 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Connecting to server...
2015-01-06 15:36:28,648 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - connect()
2015-01-06 15:36:28,649 DEBUG SslSocketFactory - Creating an unconnected SSLSocket()
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - getOutputStream() with method == OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'OPTIONS' in internal delegate with new value 'TRACE'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning TRACE
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning TRACE
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'TRACE' in internal delegate with new value 'OPTIONS'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,669 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning OPTIONS
2015-01-06 15:36:28,670 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 66 bytes from client
2015-01-06 15:36:28,670 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><D:options xmlns:D="DAV:" />
2015-01-06 15:36:28,670 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from client: 66
2015-01-06 15:36:28,670 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Retrieve all cookies for URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,670 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Append cookie: Navajo=lB6gRrXKzIf8j95DB+BruG8ugtinhoR3n2Om7LJZ0nonTZhhMQVX3xBP57bHgSFNtaaf+Rkry2w-
2015-01-06 15:36:28,691 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - save cookies from URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,691 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====200 OK
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of response headers: 10
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Do not send null key back to client null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====DAV: 1,2, version-control,checkout,working-resource, merge,baseline,activity,version-controlled-collection, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/atomic-revprops, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/partial-replay, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/inherited-props, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/inline-props, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/reverse-file-revs, http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====MS-Author-Via: DAV
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:36:30 GMT
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Length: 97
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====ch.nevis.session.secroles: auth.strong,idma_Benutzer,infplat_user,esclienttest_roleBC,esclienttest_roleA,esclienttest_roleB,depo_Admin,itam_Leser,itam_Administrator,itsms_asset_viewer,itsms_svc_req_usr,testsaml_admin,global.allow,acc.idma,acc.infplat,acc.esclienttest,acc.depo,acc.itam,acc.itsms,acc.testsaml
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Connection: close
2015-01-06 15:36:28,692 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
2015-01-06 15:36:28,693 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Server: Apache
2015-01-06 15:36:28,693 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Set response code to 200 and length to 97
2015-01-06 15:36:28,694 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 97 bytes from server
2015-01-06 15:36:28,695 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - <====<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:options-response xmlns:D="DAV:">

2015-01-06 15:36:28,695 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from server: 97
2015-01-06 15:36:28,695 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - done.
2015-01-06 15:36:28,810 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>PROPFIND /svn/t_sponis_testrepo HTTP/1.1
2015-01-06 15:36:28,811 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Opening connection to URL: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,811 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - Creating for https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,811 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - setRequestMethod(PROPFIND)
2015-01-06 15:36:28,811 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning GET
2015-01-06 15:36:28,811 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'GET' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,811 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:28,811 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of request headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Transfer-encoding: chunked
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Content-type: text/xml
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Host:
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Accept-encoding: gzip
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Dav: http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Depth: 0
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>User-agent: SVN/1.8.10 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) serf/1.3.7
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Connecting to server...
2015-01-06 15:36:28,812 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - connect()
2015-01-06 15:36:28,813 DEBUG SslSocketFactory - Creating an unconnected SSLSocket()
2015-01-06 15:36:28,827 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:28,828 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - getOutputStream() with method == PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:28,828 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:28,828 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:28,828 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PROPFIND' in internal delegate with new value 'PUT'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,828 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:28,828 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:28,829 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PUT' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:28,829 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:28,829 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 300 bytes from client
2015-01-06 15:36:28,829 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><propfind xmlns="DAV:"><prop><version-controlled-configuration xmlns="DAV:"/><resourcetype xmlns="DAV:"/><baseline-relative-path xmlns="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/"/><repository-uuid xmlns="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/"/></prop></propfind>
2015-01-06 15:36:28,829 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from client: 300
2015-01-06 15:36:28,829 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Retrieve all cookies for URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,830 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Append cookie: Navajo=lB6gRrXKzIf8j95DB+BruG8ugtinhoR3n2Om7LJZ0nonTZhhMQVX3xBP57bHgSFNtaaf+Rkry2w-
2015-01-06 15:36:28,960 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - save cookies from URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo
2015-01-06 15:36:28,960 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:28,961 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of response headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:28,962 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:28,962 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Do not send null key back to client null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:28,962 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:36:30 GMT
2015-01-06 15:36:28,962 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Length: 673
2015-01-06 15:36:28,963 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====ch.nevis.session.secroles: auth.strong,idma_Benutzer,infplat_user,esclienttest_roleBC,esclienttest_roleA,esclienttest_roleB,depo_Admin,itam_Leser,itam_Administrator,itsms_asset_viewer,itsms_svc_req_usr,testsaml_admin,global.allow,acc.idma,acc.infplat,acc.esclienttest,acc.depo,acc.itam,acc.itsms,acc.testsaml
2015-01-06 15:36:28,963 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Connection: close
2015-01-06 15:36:28,963 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
2015-01-06 15:36:28,964 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Server: Apache
2015-01-06 15:36:28,964 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Set response code to 207 and length to 673
2015-01-06 15:36:28,968 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 673 bytes from server
2015-01-06 15:36:28,969 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - <====<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:ns1="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/" xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:" xmlns:lp2="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/">
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>

2015-01-06 15:36:28,975 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from server: 673
2015-01-06 15:36:28,976 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - done.
2015-01-06 15:36:29,102 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>PROPFIND /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/vcc/default HTTP/1.1
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Opening connection to URL: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/vcc/default
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - Creating for https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/vcc/default
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - setRequestMethod(PROPFIND)
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning GET
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'GET' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of request headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Transfer-encoding: chunked
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Content-type: text/xml
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Host:
2015-01-06 15:36:29,103 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Accept-encoding: gzip
2015-01-06 15:36:29,104 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Dav: http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops
2015-01-06 15:36:29,104 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Depth: 0
2015-01-06 15:36:29,104 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>User-agent: SVN/1.8.10 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) serf/1.3.7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,104 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Connecting to server...
2015-01-06 15:36:29,104 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - connect()
2015-01-06 15:36:29,104 DEBUG SslSocketFactory - Creating an unconnected SSLSocket()
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - getOutputStream() with method == PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PROPFIND' in internal delegate with new value 'PUT'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PUT' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 111 bytes from client
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><propfind xmlns="DAV:"><prop><checked-in xmlns="DAV:"/></prop></propfind>
2015-01-06 15:36:29,117 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from client: 111
2015-01-06 15:36:29,118 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Retrieve all cookies for URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/vcc/default
2015-01-06 15:36:29,118 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Append cookie: Navajo=lB6gRrXKzIf8j95DB+BruG8ugtinhoR3n2Om7LJZ0nonTZhhMQVX3xBP57bHgSFNtaaf+Rkry2w-
2015-01-06 15:36:29,241 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - save cookies from URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/vcc/default
2015-01-06 15:36:29,242 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,242 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of response headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,243 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,243 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Do not send null key back to client null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,243 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:36:30 GMT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,243 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Length: 425
2015-01-06 15:36:29,243 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====ch.nevis.session.secroles: auth.strong,idma_Benutzer,infplat_user,esclienttest_roleBC,esclienttest_roleA,esclienttest_roleB,depo_Admin,itam_Leser,itam_Administrator,itsms_asset_viewer,itsms_svc_req_usr,testsaml_admin,global.allow,acc.idma,acc.infplat,acc.esclienttest,acc.depo,acc.itam,acc.itsms,acc.testsaml
2015-01-06 15:36:29,244 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Connection: close
2015-01-06 15:36:29,244 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
2015-01-06 15:36:29,244 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Server: Apache
2015-01-06 15:36:29,244 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Set response code to 207 and length to 425
2015-01-06 15:36:29,246 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 425 bytes from server
2015-01-06 15:36:29,246 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - <====<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:" xmlns:lp2="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/">
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>

2015-01-06 15:36:29,247 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from server: 425
2015-01-06 15:36:29,247 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - done.
2015-01-06 15:36:29,364 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>PROPFIND /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bln/16 HTTP/1.1
2015-01-06 15:36:29,365 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Opening connection to URL: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bln/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,365 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - Creating for https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bln/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,365 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - setRequestMethod(PROPFIND)
2015-01-06 15:36:29,365 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning GET
2015-01-06 15:36:29,365 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'GET' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,366 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,366 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of request headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,366 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Transfer-encoding: chunked
2015-01-06 15:36:29,366 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Content-type: text/xml
2015-01-06 15:36:29,367 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Host:
2015-01-06 15:36:29,368 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Accept-encoding: gzip
2015-01-06 15:36:29,368 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Dav: http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops
2015-01-06 15:36:29,369 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Depth: 0
2015-01-06 15:36:29,369 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>User-agent: SVN/1.8.10 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) serf/1.3.7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,369 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Connecting to server...
2015-01-06 15:36:29,370 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - connect()
2015-01-06 15:36:29,370 DEBUG SslSocketFactory - Creating an unconnected SSLSocket()
2015-01-06 15:36:29,394 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,395 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - getOutputStream() with method == PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,395 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,395 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,396 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PROPFIND' in internal delegate with new value 'PUT'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,396 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,396 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,397 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PUT' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,397 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,398 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 148 bytes from client
2015-01-06 15:36:29,399 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><propfind xmlns="DAV:"><prop><baseline-collection xmlns="DAV:"/><version-name xmlns="DAV:"/></prop></propfind>
2015-01-06 15:36:29,400 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from client: 148
2015-01-06 15:36:29,401 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Retrieve all cookies for URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bln/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,414 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Append cookie: Navajo=lB6gRrXKzIf8j95DB+BruG8ugtinhoR3n2Om7LJZ0nonTZhhMQVX3xBP57bHgSFNtaaf+Rkry2w-
2015-01-06 15:36:29,520 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - save cookies from URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bln/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,521 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,521 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of response headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,521 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,521 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Do not send null key back to client null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,521 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:36:30 GMT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,521 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Length: 478
2015-01-06 15:36:29,521 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====ch.nevis.session.secroles: auth.strong,idma_Benutzer,infplat_user,esclienttest_roleBC,esclienttest_roleA,esclienttest_roleB,depo_Admin,itam_Leser,itam_Administrator,itsms_asset_viewer,itsms_svc_req_usr,testsaml_admin,global.allow,acc.idma,acc.infplat,acc.esclienttest,acc.depo,acc.itam,acc.itsms,acc.testsaml
2015-01-06 15:36:29,521 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Connection: close
2015-01-06 15:36:29,522 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
2015-01-06 15:36:29,522 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Server: Apache
2015-01-06 15:36:29,522 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Set response code to 207 and length to 478
2015-01-06 15:36:29,523 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 478 bytes from server
2015-01-06 15:36:29,523 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - <====<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:" xmlns:lp2="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/">
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>

2015-01-06 15:36:29,523 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from server: 478
2015-01-06 15:36:29,523 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - done.
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>PROPFIND /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16 HTTP/1.1
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Opening connection to URL: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - Creating for https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - setRequestMethod(PROPFIND)
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning GET
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'GET' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of request headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Transfer-encoding: chunked
2015-01-06 15:36:29,643 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Content-type: text/xml
2015-01-06 15:36:29,644 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Host:
2015-01-06 15:36:29,644 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Accept-encoding: gzip
2015-01-06 15:36:29,644 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Dav: http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops
2015-01-06 15:36:29,644 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Depth: 0
2015-01-06 15:36:29,644 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>User-agent: SVN/1.8.10 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) serf/1.3.7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,644 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Connecting to server...
2015-01-06 15:36:29,644 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - connect()
2015-01-06 15:36:29,644 DEBUG SslSocketFactory - Creating an unconnected SSLSocket()
2015-01-06 15:36:29,655 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,655 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - getOutputStream() with method == PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,655 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,655 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PROPFIND' in internal delegate with new value 'PUT'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PUT' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 301 bytes from client
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><propfind xmlns="DAV:"><prop><resourcetype xmlns="DAV:"/><getcontentlength xmlns="DAV:"/><deadprop-count xmlns="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/"/><version-name xmlns="DAV:"/><creationdate xmlns="DAV:"/><creator-displayname xmlns="DAV:"/></prop></propfind>
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from client: 301
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Retrieve all cookies for URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,656 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Append cookie: Navajo=lB6gRrXKzIf8j95DB+BruG8ugtinhoR3n2Om7LJZ0nonTZhhMQVX3xBP57bHgSFNtaaf+Rkry2w-
2015-01-06 15:36:29,781 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - save cookies from URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,781 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,782 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of response headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,782 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,782 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Do not send null key back to client null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,782 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:36:31 GMT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,782 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Length: 775
2015-01-06 15:36:29,782 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====ch.nevis.session.secroles: auth.strong,idma_Benutzer,infplat_user,esclienttest_roleBC,esclienttest_roleA,esclienttest_roleB,depo_Admin,itam_Leser,itam_Administrator,itsms_asset_viewer,itsms_svc_req_usr,testsaml_admin,global.allow,acc.idma,acc.infplat,acc.esclienttest,acc.depo,acc.itam,acc.itsms,acc.testsaml
2015-01-06 15:36:29,783 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Connection: close
2015-01-06 15:36:29,783 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
2015-01-06 15:36:29,783 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Server: Apache
2015-01-06 15:36:29,783 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Set response code to 207 and length to 775
2015-01-06 15:36:29,785 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 775 bytes from server
2015-01-06 15:36:29,785 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - <====<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:ns1="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/" xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:" xmlns:lp2="http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/" xmlns:g0="DAV:">
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</D:status>

2015-01-06 15:36:29,786 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from server: 775
2015-01-06 15:36:29,786 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - done.
2015-01-06 15:36:29,931 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>PROPFIND /svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16 HTTP/1.1
2015-01-06 15:36:29,933 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Opening connection to URL: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,933 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - Creating for https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,934 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - setRequestMethod(PROPFIND)
2015-01-06 15:36:29,934 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning GET
2015-01-06 15:36:29,934 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'GET' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,934 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,935 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of request headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,935 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Transfer-encoding: chunked
2015-01-06 15:36:29,935 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Content-type: text/xml
2015-01-06 15:36:29,935 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Host:
2015-01-06 15:36:29,935 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Accept-encoding: gzip
2015-01-06 15:36:29,936 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Dav: http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/depth,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/mergeinfo,http://subversion.tigris.org/xmlns/dav/svn/log-revprops
2015-01-06 15:36:29,936 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>Depth: 1
2015-01-06 15:36:29,936 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>>User-agent: SVN/1.8.10 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) serf/1.3.7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,937 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Connecting to server...
2015-01-06 15:36:29,937 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - connect()
2015-01-06 15:36:29,937 DEBUG SslSocketFactory - Creating an unconnected SSLSocket()
2015-01-06 15:36:29,958 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,958 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - getOutputStream() with method == PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,958 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,958 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PROPFIND' in internal delegate with new value 'PUT'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PUT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 DEBUG DAVHttpsURLConnection - replace method value 'PUT' in internal delegate with new value 'PROPFIND'
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 TRACE DAVHttpsURLConnection - getRequestMethod() returning PROPFIND
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 113 bytes from client
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - >>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><propfind xmlns="DAV:"><prop><resourcetype xmlns="DAV:"/></prop></propfind>
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from client: 113
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Retrieve all cookies for URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,959 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - Append cookie: Navajo=lB6gRrXKzIf8j95DB+BruG8ugtinhoR3n2Om7LJZ0nonTZhhMQVX3xBP57bHgSFNtaaf+Rkry2w-
2015-01-06 15:36:29,989 DEBUG AplatCookieHandler - save cookies from URI: https://tpfesa101.pnet.ch:443/svn/t_sponis_testrepo/!svn/bc/16
2015-01-06 15:36:29,990 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,990 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Size of response headers: 7
2015-01-06 15:36:29,990 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,990 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Do not send null key back to client null: HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
2015-01-06 15:36:29,990 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:36:31 GMT
2015-01-06 15:36:29,990 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Length: 1052
2015-01-06 15:36:29,990 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====ch.nevis.session.secroles: auth.strong,idma_Benutzer,infplat_user,esclienttest_roleBC,esclienttest_roleA,esclienttest_roleB,depo_Admin,itam_Leser,itam_Administrator,itsms_asset_viewer,itsms_svc_req_usr,testsaml_admin,global.allow,acc.idma,acc.infplat,acc.esclienttest,acc.depo,acc.itam,acc.itsms,acc.testsaml
2015-01-06 15:36:29,990 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Connection: close
2015-01-06 15:36:29,991 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
2015-01-06 15:36:29,991 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - <====Server: Apache
2015-01-06 15:36:29,991 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Set response code to 207 and length to 1052
2015-01-06 15:36:29,992 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - Read 1052 bytes from server
2015-01-06 15:36:29,992 TRACE ProxyHttpHandler - <====<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:">
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:">
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:">
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
<D:response xmlns:lp1="DAV:">
<D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>

2015-01-06 15:36:29,992 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - Total number of bytes read from server: 1052
2015-01-06 15:36:29,992 DEBUG ProxyHttpHandler - done.

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Received on 2015-01-08 08:57:11 CET

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