Getting E160013 error on recursive svn prop list command
From: Grant Schoep <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 13:24:24 -0700
I'm running
So I was trying to get an external tool(Crucible) to interact with our SVN
I can reproduce this just with SVN on the command line. This problem only
So if I execute the following command
svn proplist -R -r 17672
It starts listing lots of Properties, but then bombs out with the following
svn: E160013:
The exact part that is "not found" isn't always the same. But it is always
If I refine the proplist a bit more and specify
I get the same error, but it never seems to list anything.
So my feeling is something in this tmp revisioned directory is corrupt?
I ran an "svnadmin verify repopath" on this thing and it didn't report any
I am really at a loss of what to look at here. Any ideas of what to look at?
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