On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 11:14 AM, <dlellis_at_rockwellcollins.com> wrote:
>> In subversion's view a copy is a branch so any distinction is strictly
>> your own convention. Likewise for tags, except that there is a
>> generally accepted convention of not committing changes after a tag
>> copy. Do you have additional conventions or tools to help users of
>> the pre-fork version know that it has branched? I don't think there
>> is a generic solution for that - subversion tracks copy-from history,
>> but not copy-to.
> No. There is no way to know who is using a fork you may have created or who
> has forked from someplace (short of scanning all projects of course). I'm
> not sure fork is the best name to give this concept, but we didn't want to
> choose branch or tag for obvious reasons....
The reason isn't obvious to me. It is a branch as far as subversion
is concerned except perhaps for the convention of naming an upper
directory 'branches'. Or a tag if you don't intend to do additional
changes to that copy. And if you think in terms of 'release'
branches/tags it even makes sense for your usage.
Les Mikesell
Received on 2013-08-16 18:43:32 CEST