I have been trying for some hours to use the ruby subversion binding to
do a repository checkout. Unfortunately, the server certificate is not
$ /.../script.rb
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/svn/util.rb:99:in `svn_client_checkout3': (Svn::Error::RaDavRequestFailed)
Svn::Error::RaDavRequestFailed: OPTIONS of 'https://...': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted (https://...)
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/svn/util.rb:99:in `checkout3'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/svn/client.rb:143:in `checkout'
from /.../script.rb:22:in `<main>'
Using the SVN client from command line I never faced any certificate
issues (as far as I know the certificate is perfectly valid). However, I
started looking for a way to make the ruby script accept the
certificate. As to my knowledge there is no documentation for the ruby
binding, so I looked into the ruby files of the ruby binding and into
the documentation of the C binding but I could not find a solution.
The script (see below) is taken from the best piece of documentation I
could find in the web:
Does anyone know how to deal with this problem?
Kind regards
PS: Please put me into CC as I am not subscribed to the list. Thanks!
My ruby script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Required packages
require "svn/core"
require "svn/ext/core"
require "svn/client"
require "svn/wc"
require "svn/repos"
config_username = '...'
config_password = '...'
config_repository_url = '...'
config_output_path = '...'
config_revision = 1
ctx = Svn::Client::Context.new()
ctx.auth_baton[Svn::Core::AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME] = config_username
ctx.auth_baton[Svn::Core::AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_PASSWORD] = config_password
ctx.checkout(config_repository_url, config_output_path, config_revision.to_i, nil)
rescue Svn::Error::CLIENT_UNRELATED_RESOURCES => e # revision doesn't exist
raise "no such revision " + revision.to_s + " at " + repos_uri
Received on 2013-04-11 21:43:55 CEST