On Friday, February 22, 2013 11:13:49 AM UTC-5, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
> Guten Tag frame,
> With this approach you loose history of new developments of
> project/aaa and depend on company B with everything you are doing with
> project/aaa and which is not already checked out somewhere, because
> you don't merge any code back into your own repo. It's something which
> I would consider really carefully.
> Sorry, I don't quite understand what you said. Why will I loose the
history of new developments of project/aaa? If I modify something in
project/aaa and I check in, which will be in company B's repo. My partner
abroad who only cares about project/aaa runs "svn update", he will pull out
my change to his local area, together with the history. If he makes changes
and check in his change(to company B's repo), I run "svn update" at the
level of project/, I will get his new code(in aaa/) together with new code
in bbb/ which is from company A's repo. I should be able to see his commit
hisotry, right?
I thought this is one of the ideal scenarios exploiting the power of svn
externals definition.
Received on 2013-02-22 17:34:09 CET