On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Cicik <jarozubak_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to remove properties from history because we started to use this
> tool(http://www.atlassian.com/software/crucible/) and all files in our
> repository have mime-type: application/octet stream(fisheye treats files as
> binary), so we do not see codes, code change history, we can not do
> reviews,....
Oh, boy! I've worked with a few Atlassian tools, such as Fisheye, and
Jira, and that's a new one on me. Stripping something like that out
of the *history* of the repository is going to be a nightmare. How did
it get set that way in the first place? And how will you prevent it
from happening again? That sounds more like a configuration area when
the repository was set up, because it's not a default setting in
Subversion itself.
Hmmm. Can you do an "svnadmin dump" and strip the contents to remove
all the "svn:mime-types" property wsettings, then use "svnadmin load"
to create a new repository without those settings? There'd be a
certain finite chance I recognize that this would give you a new
repository, but Subversion is pretty unfriendly to altering your
history: this might be safest.
Received on 2013-02-09 16:33:41 CET