I am trying to update a branch with changes from the trunk. I am getting tree conflicts that I do not know how to resolve. Please will someone take a look at my console output below and advise me what to do? (For the sake of security, I have sanitised the folder names).
C:\SVNProj\MyProjbranches\TRY_MyBranch_23Jan2012>svn merge ^^/trunk
Conflict discovered in 'C:/SVNProj/MyProj/branches/TRY_MyBranch_23Jan2012/Simulations/MyFolder/file1.xlsx'.
Select: (p) postpone,
(mf) mine-full, (tf) theirs-full,
(s) show all options: mf
--- Merging r4283 into 'Simulations':
U Simulations\MyFolder\file1.xlsx
C Simulations\MyFolder\file2.xml
C Simulations\MyFolder\file3.xlsx
C Simulations\MyFolder\file4.xml
Conflict for property 'svn:mergeinfo' discovered on 'C:/SVNProj/MyProj/branches/TRY_MyBranch_23Jan2012/Simulations'.
They want to delete the property, you want to change the value to '/branches/TRY_DRA_Python_14July10/Simulations:2616-27
<some other branches listed here>
Select: (p) postpone,
(mf) mine-full, (tf) theirs-full,
(s) show all options: mf
U Simulations
--- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r4113 through r4283 into '.':
U .
Summary of conflicts:
Tree conflicts: 3
svn: E155015: One or more conflicts were produced while merging r4282:4283 into
'C:\SVNProj\MyProj\branches\TRY_MyBranch_23Jan2012' --
resolve all conflicts and rerun the merge to apply the remaining
unmerged revisions
Received on 2012-09-19 09:16:22 CEST