(no subject)
From: <d.guthmann_at_gmx.net>
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 07:59:21 +0100
we run a subversion-server with apache and access it through https. Now we want to grant also external developers access to our repositories.
I've now found the subversion-feature "svn+ssh" and I would like to use it as a tunnel from those external developers computer.
So the URL would be "svn+ssh://user@hostname:220/srv/svn/project/" - normally we use the URL "https://hostname/repos/projekt/"
Would it work properly (e.g. executing hooks) or is it a problem to access one repository in two different ways? The URL "svn+ssh://user@hostname:220/srv/svn/projekt/" suggests that we are bypassing the svn-Module...
We also use some access-control features like "AuthzSVNAccessFile" in the Apache-configuration - am I right assuming that those access-control doesn't take effect when accessing over svn+ssh://?
Thanks in Advance.
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