On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 7:42 PM, Daniel Shahaf <danielsh_at_elego.de> wrote:
> Daniel Shahaf wrote on Thu, Feb 09, 2012 at 01:46:45 +0200:
>> Jason Wong wrote on Wed, Feb 08, 2012 at 15:32:05 -0800:
>> Get xxd.exe from http://www.vim.org/ and cat.exe and sed.exe from
>> http://gnuwin32.sf.net (or from Cygwin). Delete from the script the
>> line that uses the 'head' command.
> There is a second use of 'head', which you shouldn't delete. So
> instead, just get head.exe from the same place as the other two, or use
> the following kind of statement:
Or install CygWin and run the scripts from inside CygWin. This does
present end-of-line issues, so be very careful about using "svn:eol
native" properties.
> my $line = do {
> open FOO, "perl -V 2>&1 |";
> <FOO>;
> };
> Lastly, there's a 'sed' invocation that uses single-quoted arguments.
> All it does is "print the input up to the first empty line" --- feel
> free to implement it differently. (One way:
> my @lines = split /\n/, `command | goes | here`;
> $_ and print or last for @lines;
> Both of these examples could do with some error checking.)
> Daniel
> (yes, there's also a neater way to do this without split(). but it's
> not a Perl class here)
Received on 2012-02-09 03:22:52 CET