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RE: SVN MOVE don't perform a delete in some case

From: Giulio Troccoli <Giulio.Troccoli_at_uk.linedata.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 10:36:47 +0100

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        From: ext_crueghe.yann_at_agora.msa.fr [mailto:ext_crueghe.yann_at_agora.msa.fr]
        Sent: 16 April 2010 10:17
        To: Giulio Troccoli
        Cc: 'Stefan Sperling'; users_at_subversion.apache.org
        Subject: Re: SVN MOVE don't perform a delete in some case

        Hi !

        Thank you very much for your quick replies !
        In fact, the only thing that the hook control is that the user don't try to delete a directory (he can delete the content) in an other directory called "branches"

        ie : myapp /branches/my_branch/myfile.txt

        The hook must block the user when he want to delete or rename /branches/my_branch
        The user can alter the file /branches/my_branch/myfile.txt

        The hook work when i try to delete the directory
        The hook work when i try to rename the /branches/my_branch to /branches/my_brancheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
        The hook work when i try to rename the /branches/my_branch to /branches/another_branch
        The hook won't work when i try to rename the /branches/my_branch to /branches/my_bra (no svn delete perform)

        Here is a partial copy of the hook (light from the original which control more things)

        I prepare the svn commands to reproduce this comportment ASAP

        Thank you very much

        # sortie en erreur
        function exit_error {
            echo "$1" >&2
            exit 1

        # sortie ok
        function exit_success {
            exit 0

        # parametres d'appels du hook

        # Binaires et fichiers de configuration du serveur SVN

        # Constantes

        # extraction de l'action et de la ressource cible
        CHANGED=$($SVNLOOK changed -t "$SVN_TXN_ID" "$SVN_REPO_PATH")
        set -- $CHANGED

        # extraction du repertoire impacte par le commit
        PATH_VARS=$(echo $RESSOURCE | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | awk -F"/" '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}')
        set -- $PATH_VARS

        # Securisation des branches
        if [[ $REPERTOIRE = $STR_BRANCHES ]]
            # Suppression sur une branche
            if [[ $ACTION = $STR_CODE_SVN_DELETE ]]
                # Suppression de la branche ou du tag interdite aux dev. metier et responsables metier
                if [[ ! $CHEMIN ]]
                then exit_error "La suppression d'une BRANCHE ou d'un TAG est interdite"


This does exacttly what I thought. Svnlook change will return a list of files, but your 'set' command will set $1 and $2 based on the first. In the case you report where this pre-commit hook does not work, svnlook return the addition first, so you set $1 to A and $2 to '/branches/my_bra' and that's why your script does not work.

You need a loop to go through the output from svnlook. I use something like this

$SVNLOOK changed --revision $REVISION $REPOS_PATH | $AWK '{OFS=";"; print $1,$2}' > $TMPDIR/changes_list
for line in `$CAT $TMPDIR/changes_list`; do
        status=`$ECHO $line | $CUT -d';' -f1`
        file=`$ECHO $line | $CUT -d';' -f2`
        # If the file is a new file
        if [ "$status" == "D" ]; then
                # Check it's a branch and not a file

Received on 2010-04-16 11:37:21 CEST

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