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Re: SVN MOVE don't perform a delete in some case

From: Yann Crueghe <ext_crueghe.yann_at_agora.msa.fr>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:16:54 +0200

Hi !

Thank you very much for your quick replies !
In fact, the only thing that the hook control is that the user don't try
to delete a directory (he can delete the content) in an other directory
called "branches"

ie : myapp /branches/my_branch/myfile.txt

The hook must block the user when he want to delete or rename
The user can alter the file /branches/my_branch/myfile.txt

The hook work when i try to delete the directory
The hook work when i try to rename the /branches/my_branch to
The hook work when i try to rename the /branches/my_branch to
The hook won't work when i try to rename the /branches/my_branch to
/branches/my_bra (no svn delete perform)

Here is a partial copy of the hook (light from the original which
control more things)

I prepare the svn commands to reproduce this comportment ASAP

Thank you very much

# sortie en erreur
function exit_error {
    echo "$1" >&2
    exit 1

# sortie ok
function exit_success {
    exit 0

# parametres d'appels du hook

# Binaires et fichiers de configuration du serveur SVN

# Constantes

# extraction de l'action et de la ressource cible
set -- $CHANGED

# extraction du repertoire impacte par le commit
PATH_VARS=$(echo $RESSOURCE | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | awk -F"/"
'{print $1,$2,$3,$4}')
set -- $PATH_VARS

# Securisation des branches
    # Suppression sur une branche
        # Suppression de la branche ou du tag interdite aux dev. metier
et responsables metier
        if [[ ! $CHEMIN ]]
        then exit_error "La suppression d'une BRANCHE ou d'un TAG est


Giulio Troccoli a écrit :
> Linedata Services (UK) Ltd
> Registered Office: Bishopsgate Court, 4-12 Norton Folgate, London, E1 6DB
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> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stefan Sperling [mailto:stsp_at_elego.de]
>> Sent: 16 April 2010 08:52
>> To: Yann Crueghe
>> Cc: users_at_subversion.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: SVN MOVE don't perform a delete in some case
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 09:40:34AM +0200, Yann Crueghe wrote:
>>> Hi !
>> Hi!
>>> *Test 1 : Try to rename a directory BRANCHE to BRANCHE_1*
>>> *Command :*
>>> svn move --message "Rename BRANCHE to BRANCHE_1"
>> http://tetris.agora.msanet:16060/svn/METIER/y78amodifier/branches/BRAN
>>> CHE
>> http://tetris.agora.msanet:16060/svn/METIER/y78amodifier/branches/BRAN
>>> CHE_1
>>> *Hook params :*
>>> D y78amodifier/branches/BRANCHE/
>>> *Command result : * A repository hook failed
>>> svn: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
>>> It's not allowed to rename or delete a branch.
>>> *Test 2 : Try to rename a directory BRANCHE to BRANCH*
>>> *Command :*
>>> svn move --message "Rename BRANCHE to BR"
>> http://tetris.agora.msanet:16060/svn/METIER/y78amodifier/branches/BRAN
>>> CHE
>>> http://tetris.agora.msanet:16060/svn/METIER/y78amodifier/branches/BR
>>> *Hook params :*
>>> A y78amodifier/branches/BRANCH/
>>> *Command result : * Commit done without error.
>>> Do you think it's a bug ?
>> I don't know. On the surface this looks like a bug, but we
>> need to find out what the real problem is. For that, you'll
>> need to help others reproduce this problem on their own machines.
>> Can you try to show a list of commands that starts by
>> creating an empty repository, imports some files or folders,
>> installs the hook script, and then runs some svn commands to
>> trigger the problem?
> I should see the whole pre-commit hook but I think you parse the list of files being committed and rely on some kind of order, e.g. the deletion being the first of the list.
> I had a similar situation and I found out that (and this is documented) you can not rely on the order of the output of svnlook changed (or any other commands for that matter).
> So, I think you will have to parse the whole list of files and if there is a delete then exit with an error.
> Again, this is just hypothetical, as I don't know your pre-commit hook.
> G

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Received on 2010-04-16 11:17:29 CEST

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