Från: Johan Corveleyn [jcorvel_at_gmail.com]
Skickat: den 30 mars 2010 00:14
Till: Björn Blissing
Kopia: users_at_subversion.apache.org
Ämne: Re: Can checkout and commit but NOT diff or display logs for files or dirs
2010/3/29 Björn Blissing <bjorn.blissing_at_vti.se>:
> Hi,
> I set up a repo on my computer. I run the daemon with the following options:
>>svnserve.exe -d -r d:\svndata
> I can then check out and commit to the repo using "svn co svn://localhost/project/trunk project" , BUT I can not do any diff or show logs.
> But if I instead checkout the repo using "svn co file:///d:/svndata/project/trunk project" everything works perfectly.
> I have tried to run in listen-once mode with logging to a log file. And I get this line when trying to diff the file readme.txt from the current revision(10) to revision 8.
> 1736 2010-03-29T17:41:31.690740Z - svndata open 2 cap=(edit-pipeline svndiff1 absent-entries depth mergeinfo log-revprops) /project/trunk/readme.txt SVN/1.6.6%20(r40053) -
> 1736 2010-03-29T17:41:31.690740Z - svndata get-locations /project/trunk/readme.txt_at_10 (8)
> I am running Windows Vista 64 bit and Subversion 1.6.6. The svnserve.exe is added to the firewall exceptions list.
> Anyone got any ideas of what is going wrong here? I have ran out of fresh ideas...
What's the exact command that you're running for diff or log? And
what's the error message (if any) that you get from your svn client?
The error messages I get when trying to diff is:
svn: Unreadable path encountered; access denied
And when I try to show log is:
svn: Item is not readable
Received on 2010-03-30 19:35:34 CEST