RE: Linker issues building subversion on Windows
From: Johan Corveleyn <>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 02:36:33 +0200
> Van: Daniel Shahaf []
Sorry to be so slow, but I didn't get around to it as fast as I wanted to. However, I've now been able to spend some more time with it, and ... I succeeded, Woohoo! With openssl. Now I can finally start experimenting with my own Windows build of the svn client from trunk.
I must say it wasn't easy. Your Makefile was very helpful, Daniel, but still I encountered many issues along the way (though some of them may be totally newbie-stuff). I'll list them here FYI:
0) First had to change some more paths in the Makefile, but that's nothing. Just a little tweaking ... Then had to prepare all the dependencies, but I took them from the that I downloaded from the nightly tarball location. That was also still no problem.
1) zlib wouldn't compile with masm (ml.exe) included with VCE 2008. I got errors like "inffas32.asm(647) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands". See e.g.
I didn't want to mess with the (assembler-)source, so in the end I found an old masm (6.xx), and put that in place of the ml.exe of VCE 2008. That fixed it (However, see 4).
In the meantime, I read somewhere that zlib contains a .sln file in its tarball in contrib/vstudio/vc8 that might do a better job here.
2) The svn build complained about not finding libapr-1.lib (although apr, apr-util and apr-iconv seemed to have been correctly built, i.e. there was). I couldn't find the file either, so after some troubleshooting I decided to build apache entirely from source. That helped (I changed the Makefile to use --with-httpd instead of --with-aprutil and friends).
3) apache was also not trivial to build (I thought I needed to build it from source, according to svn's INSTALL document; it got me the necessary libapr-1.lib etc.). Following the instructions on helped. I couldn't get it to build from the command line, but opening and building the project from the VCE Studio worked.
4) building openssl failed with some strange error (forgot to write it down). I was using ms/do_masm (do_ms didn't work either). Apparently it was failing because of the 6.xx ml.exe I put in place while fixing zlib's build. Placing the original back from VCE 2008 fixed it.
5) Finally, a minor Makefile issue: when executing "nmake /f all1", it ended with the following error:
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729.01
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'package'
I.e. the following didn't seem to work:
After that, I just executed the "package" target directly and all was well :).
Kind regards,
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