Quick question...
From: Ehsan Yassir <eyassir_at_cellularspecialties.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 17:03:30 -0400
Hi All,
I have just a little question for you guys. I have subversion server
I can reach it from the clients by typing this path:
Because I don't have space in C drive I want to create a repository on
I create a repository on D drive and try to connect to it by this path
I try this path:
but it's doesn't work too.
I changed and played with all the slashes but still don't want to work.
So my question is:
How can I connect (from the client side) to the server if the repository
Please if you can and if you have time reply me.
Many thanks,
Ehsan Yassir
System Administrator
www.cellularspecialties.com <http://www.cellularspecialties.com>
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