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Re: Subversion and Tortoise Stopped Working

From: Dan B <maverickh18_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 02:42:14 -0700 (PDT)

> Dan: @Purple Streak - I just tried what you said about the command prompt.  I can happily say that i was, in fact, able to start the svnserve.exe from there for the first time. Ever.

But you said above you were already able to access the repository via the svn: protocol while on the server. That means svnserve was already running.

> Thank you for that.  The net start svn worked, as well.  However, After that, I am still unable to get in from another computer.
> Could the problem be Tortoise on the other computer?  Could tortoise need to be reinstalled on it?  Multiple computers have been accessing the repository before the power out, and now none can get in.  Do they, also, need to be reinstalled?

That doesn't seem likely to me.

Can you try a telnet connection to the svnserve port from any of the machines? Does that work? If not, then I don't think reinstalling TortoiseSVN would affect anything.

Dan:  Yes I have been able to connect to the svn:// protocol locally. I was just saying that in the past I had tried many different things to get the service to run through the command prompt, and that was the first time it had ever worked.  However, it still didn't change anything.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling going through a different port (3990).  I port forwarded the router, opened the port in Windows Firewall, and same problem.  Didn't seem to help one bit.  I just don't understand how the server knows it exists, can be accessed using svn:// locally, and can recall all of the revisions, but can't be accessed remotely. 

I can't even tell the host computer to call it's own IP address through svn:// (that worked before the power out, as well)  I keep coming back to the thought that the power out triggered a change I'm not noticing.


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Received on 2009-07-29 11:43:05 CEST

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