Post-Commit hook occassionally fails to fully update during TortoiseSVN commit
From: Paul Williams <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 16:26:17 -0500
We are encountering a problem with the post-commit hook
as it updates to a cifs mounted file system on a unix system.
Here is our configuration
On a Redhat Linux 5.3 system we have set up the
subversion client (subversion-1.6.3-1).
We have set it up so windows clients using TortoiseSVN
(TortoiseSVN 1.6.3, Build 16613 - 32 Bit , 2009/06/20 09:28:19)
are able to checkout, update and commit via the webdav interface
through secure apache.
This seems to work correctly.
The Repositories are located on a local file system, in /data/svn
on the linux system (and are owned by apache:apache).
To complicate the situation we have mounted a windows file system
using the following entry in /etc/fstab
//winfileserver/devweb /data/DEV cifs \
The svn_cifs file has the following
The windows filesyem will then be mounted on a windows server running
Lets assume we have created a repository called proj, and
We have then used svn to checkout a copy into /data/DEV/proj (this
directory is owned by user apache:apache).
We have set up a hook post-commit so that when the user does a
it will automatically update /data/DEV/proj.
This generally works correctly.
However, periodically when a user commits, it breaks the update to
which is then left in a mixed version (this can be checked with the
From that point on, whevever the user tries a commit, the repository is
changed, but no additional changes are propagated to /data/DEV/proj.
The message they receive is
svn: Working copy '/data/DEV/proj' locked
svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for
Unfortunately, running cleanup in TortoiseSVN or from the SVN server
has no effect.
The only way we have been able to fix the problem, is by deleting the
/data/DEV/proj and then re-checkout to that directory. This might not
except one of the projects is 2+ Gigabytes and takes a fairly long time
I have done some other testing, and it seems that if the /data/DEV/proj
mounted linux file system, it does not seem to cause a problem.
I am only left to believe that the problem is because we are using a
file system. Perhaps we are not properly specifing the option during
Or perhaps there is a know problem.
Any assistance is appreciated.
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