Eric wrote:
>> Are you checking out the top level of the repository? Normally you
>> would only check out (or switch to) the trunk/branch/tag version of
>> interest at a time, and a to a branch version wouldn't show up in an
>> update of some other branch or the trunk version.
> <<<<<
> Good afternoon, Les.
> We have no branches or tags, yet. Everything (so far) is being done
> on the trunk. And, I am taking the default when I do an "update"
> which I assume is the top level, at least I haven't (to my knowledge)
> done anything to default to anything else.
"trunk" is a convention - where you normally have a directory that is
named trunk to separate it from branches and tags that you may create
later. It is good practice (and described in the manual) to create the
trunk/branches/tags directories for each project before adding anything
else. But, that doesn't seem to be related to your immediate problem.
> >>>>>
>>> I had to blow away a whole directory out of my sandbox and then do an
>>> "update" in order to get two new files that someone else had put in
>>> that directory on the repository.
>>> There was another, whole new directory of files. I had to blow away
>>> the parent directory of that directory, in my sandbox, and then do an
>>> "update" to get them.
>> That doesn't make much sense unless your working copy was tied to a
>> particular revision. What does 'svn status' show when you are in this
>> state?
> <<<<<
> "svn status" shows two directories marked with "?", which doesn't
> make much sense, and if I do an update or commit on the parent
> directory of those two directories, I get no action.
Normally the "?" means that you have a local copy that you created but
didn't use the 'svn add' command to tell subversion about it. If
someone else added them and committed to the repo, you shouldn't have
created a local copy - the update should have brought them in.
Les Mikesell
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Received on 2009-06-08 19:43:41 CEST