Sometimes when using SVN, I have added a file, which was a copy of a
version controlled file. That is, I have done this:
$ cp file1 file2
$ svn add file2
when I *should* have done this:
$ svn cp file1 file2
I would like to be able to retrospectively link <file2> to <file1> so
that it will be added "with history", without having to do this:
$ svn revert file2 ### undo the add
$ mv file2 file2.tmp ### move out of the way
$ svn cp file1 file2
$ rm file2
$ mv file2.tmp file2 ### move back
$ svn setprop propname propvalue file2 ### restore any
I'd like, instead, to be able to do something like this
$ svn historyset file1 file2[@pin-revision
<mailto:file2_at_pin-revision> ] [-r revision]
Is this already supported in some way that I've missed?
Rob Hubbard
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