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Re: SASL authentication in 1.5.4

From: Bert Huijben <rhuijben_at_open.collab.net>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 23:17:27 +0100

2008/12/18 Edward Ned Harvey <edward.harvey_at_patni.com>:
> Were you using the CollabNet one before? Exactly the same download, simply
> 1.5.2 versus 1.5.4 is the only difference? SASL is certainly still
> supported as well as it was before. There may be some SASL details that
> logically explain what broke, (like a config file or registry entry that
> habitually gets clobbered by installing the server) but I don't know that
> very well.
> Also, just to be sure - SVN and VSS are totally different product types.
> The only thing they both have in common is that you can revert back to
> previous versions of files sometimes. VSS instantly snapshots a whole drive
> automatically on a schedule (and automatically bumps off old versions as
> disk space requires.) While SVN only tracks things as you specify, when you
> specify, is designed to never lose any old version of anything, and requires
> filesystem work to do its job. A new file is created? You must tell SVN to
> care about that file. You changed a file? You must tell SVN to commit that
> change. Etc. Very very different from VSS.

In the context of Subversion VSS almost always stands for Visual
Source Safe; an old version management system from Microsoft, which
even Microsoft doesn't suggest to new users. I experienced that you
can lose information with sourcesafe, but it certainly wasn't designed
to do that. (It just happens to do that for a lot of users with big

The Volume Snapshot Service just shares the same three letter acronym.

Just a few notes to Graham for his evaluation:
* There are several projects that developed tools to migrate VSS
history to Subversion. (I used some perl scripts for this task a few
years ago but there are more recent scripts using other languages). If
you can't find them I should have some links in my archive.
* You found the AnkhSVN <http://ankhsvn.net/> SCC Provider for Visual
Studio and the VisualSVN (on top of TortoiseSVN)
<http://www.visualsvn.com> integration?


> ________________________________
> From: Graham Bull [mailto:calzakk_at_gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:23 PM
> To: users_at_subversion.tigris.org
> Subject: SASL authentication in 1.5.4
> Hi,
> Does anyone know if SASL authentication is broken in Subversion 1.5.4? (I'm
> using the CollabNet Subversion Server download for Windows)
> I'm new to Subversion - currently evaluating it as a potential replacement
> for VSS - and have a repository originally created by 1.5.2.
> I just upgraded to 1.5.4 but now I can't access the repository. I've deleted
> the cached auth folder and recreated my login using saslpasswd2, but now I
> just get
> svn: Authentication error from server: SASL(-13): user not found: Unable
> to find a callback: 2
> whenever I execute 'svn list svn://localhost'. This used to work, so either
> 1.5.4 is broken or I'm doing something stupid!
> Thanks,
> Graham
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