RE: SASL authentication in 1.5.4
From: Edward Ned Harvey <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:23:41 -0500
Were you using the CollabNet one before? Exactly the same download, simply 1.5.2 versus 1.5.4 is the only difference? SASL is certainly still supported as well as it was before. There may be some SASL details that logically explain what broke, (like a config file or registry entry that habitually gets clobbered by installing the server) but I don't know that very well.
Also, just to be sure - SVN and VSS are totally different product types. The only thing they both have in common is that you can revert back to previous versions of files sometimes. VSS instantly snapshots a whole drive automatically on a schedule (and automatically bumps off old versions as disk space requires.) While SVN only tracks things as you specify, when you specify, is designed to never lose any old version of anything, and requires filesystem work to do its job. A new file is created? You must tell SVN to care about that file. You changed a file? You must tell SVN to commit that change. Etc. Very very different from VSS.
Does anyone know if SASL authentication is broken in Subversion 1.5.4? (I'm using the CollabNet Subversion Server download for Windows)
I'm new to Subversion - currently evaluating it as a potential replacement for VSS - and have a repository originally created by 1.5.2.
svn: Authentication error from server: SASL(-13): user not found: Unable to find a callback: 2
whenever I execute 'svn list svn://localhost'. This used to work, so either 1.5.4 is broken or I'm doing something stupid!
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