Using both Subversion command line client (1.4.6) and Subclipse
Eclipse plugin (1.2.4), I have repeatedly received the following error
on commit:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: The version resource does not correspond to the resource within
the transaction. Either the requested version resource is out of date
(needs to be updated), or the requested version resource is newer than
the transaction root (restart the commit).
svn: CHECKOUT of
409 Conflict (
Based on the error message, it would appear that svn update should fix
things. It does not. Nor does svn cleanup. The only way I have
found to resolve this error is the following:
- Copy off the tree I'm trying to commit
- Delete the svn metadata files (find . -iname *svn* -exec rm -fr {}
\;) in the copy
- Delete the orginal tree
- svn update the tree to restore the source and svn metadata
- Copy the modified tree with expunged svn metadata back to its
orginal location
After the above process, svn commit works as expected. This suggests
the problem is in the svn metadata.
Googling the error above leads to posts about the TortoiseSVN client.
Clearly I'm not using that, but I am working on a VisualSVN repository
on Windows that IIRC uses TortoiseSVN. Could a problem with the
remote repository reasonably cause the error above? If that is
reasonable, would anyone care to venture a guess why svn metadata
cleanup would fix the issue?
Marvin Addison
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Received on 2008-07-03 18:13:38 CEST