Is there any way to set an EOL style on svn:externals? I know you can
set it on a checked in file, but what about on another property?
I keep getting windows users checking in svn:externals changes with
inconsistent line endings, and that makes "svn propget" and "svn
propedit" choke. I have automated processes that are doing "svn
propget" followed by "svn propset" if there are changes, so it's
probably just a matter of time until such an issue (which means svn
propget fail to return the list of externals) causes an svn:externals
update to be missed.
I have a case-by-case fix (vi .svn/dir-prop-base, remove the carriage
returns, carefully adjust the preceding length to reflect the lower
number of bytes - note that just using dos2unix or ftp in ascii mode
doesn't work fully because of the length that needs to be adjusted), but
is there a longer term fix? One where I don't have to catch the problem
in time?
Alternatively, and this is a distant second in desirability, is there a
way of using a hook script that'll detect the inconsistent line endings
and either fix them on the fly or at least reject the checkin?
Or should I just write something to automate the vi method I sketched
above? ISTR hearing that editing things under .svn is a Bad Thing, but
if I'm doing it manually anyway...
And why does svn propget /care/ about the EOL inconsistency? I
understand why you wouldn't want to change the EOL convention on the fly
for a regular file, but for svn:externals maybe it's not important to
avoid auto-converting.
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