Differentiating post-commit working copy updates
From: Laker Netman <laker_netman_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 08:34:49 -0700 (PDT)
Currently (in abstract terms) I have three repositories Alpha, Beta, Live for website production work. Each repository has a working copy that is a web site document root for the respective repo. Alpha contains files that are, on the whole, incompatible with Beta or Live. Beta is simply a staging area for files being moved to Live, for final review. There is a post-commit script for each repo that copies whatever is committed from me to the trunk is then copied to the associated web doc root, ala:http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#website-auto-update
The reason for setting things up with three repos is mostly based on legacy file arrangements prior to moving into Subversion. (Those were ugly days...)
I would like to fold at least two (possibly all three) of these repos into one, but I haven't gotten my head around that yet. I'm thinking Alpha branch/Beta trunk or Beta branch/Live trunk. But, while I know it's feasible, is an Alpha branch/Beta branch/Live trunk practical?
In a perfect world, I want to move Alpha branch commits manually to the Beta branch, and Beta branch commits automatically to Live, keeping the post-commit functionality working that has the web server-side auto update its working copy of any branch. That's where I think things might fall apart. From what I've read in the svn-book and after googling, it looks like it's not possible for the post-commit script to determine whether a commit is being made to a particular branch or the trunk of a given repo. Is this true? If it's possible (but not yet implemented), has there been any discussion of adding another environment variable to help a script identify where a commit is being made to within a repo?
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