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Re: Two developers sharing one working copy on a LAN

From: Eric Hanchrow <offby1_at_blarg.net>
Date: 2007-12-07 23:44:53 CET

>>>>> "Geoffrey" == Geoffrey Hoffman <ghoffman@emomem.com> writes:

    Geoffrey> Can we both work on one (shared network volume) working
    Geoffrey> copy?

You might be able to, but it strikes me as a bad idea and unnecessary.

Why is it a bad idea? Because you _might_ wind up hosing the wc, if
you're unlucky (i.e., if both of you are trying to make modifications
at the same time, and if file-system-level locking doesn't work
properly across the network). Note that I'm not speaking from
experience here, particularly; it's just a vague hunch.

Why is it unnecessary? Because ... each of you could get his own wc
on your local disk, and could share your work by simply checking it
in. If you don't want to interfere with other developers, then create
a branch on which to collaborate.

Now, you said "I'd rather not have two copies of this site on our
WAMP", which suggests to me that you're assuming that there can only
be one wc, and that it will be served by your web server. That's not
true; you can have lots of working copies. In fact, I assume that
most web developers who use Subversion run the web site off of one wc,
and do their development in many others.

    Geoffrey> ... can my colleague do...

    Geoffrey> svn checkout [RepoURLOmitted]
    Geoffrey> HisBox:/Volumes/WORKGROUP;WEBSERVER/ www/site.com

    Geoffrey> ... checking out his working copy to the same exact
    Geoffrey> place on the network, so we can both work on the exact
    Geoffrey> same working copy?

Even if you choose to share a wc, this isn't necessary; the first
checkout will have created the wc, and the second would either fail,
or do nothing, or something.

    Geoffrey> or is this a dumb idea.

I'm sorta leaning towards that conclusion :-) Let's see what other
people say.

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Received on Sat Dec 8 00:16:11 2007

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