On Sep 26, 2007, at 11:31, Marler, Gordon wrote:
> Apparently, the issue of importing block/character device files, among
> other special files has been discussed previously
> (http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?
> list=users&msgNo=20119),
> but rejected as having security implications. Since the mentioned
> thread took place in 2004, has this stance changed?
I don't think this has changed at all.
> I have a use case for them, and am looking either for direct
> support for
> importing such files into an SVN repository, or some indirect
> method of
> managing them in SVN, like having a hook-script/trigger create a cpio
> archive of the containing directory on checkin, and an extract of the
> archive upon checkout.
It sounds like you're looking for a script to run automatically on
the client side at checkout, update, export, commit times. But
Subversion hooks don't do that. Rather, they run automatically on the
server. The pre-commit hook also can't change the transaction that's
in the incoming transaction, and there are no pre-checkout or pre-
update or pre-export hooks. So Subversion hooks won't help you here.
> The use case here is trying to version control multiple copies of
> an OS
> image. A portion of the OS image in each case is a "miniroot",
> that is
> directly bootable over the network, and thus contains block/character
> device files. Patches can be applied over time to this "miniroot", so
> there is a need to create a tag for each patch application, so we can
> check out the proper variant of any particular OS image on network
> installations servers as needed.
> Can anyone suggest a direct/indirect solution to this use case?
You would have to create the normal file archive manually before
putting it in Subversion, and un-archive it after you take it out of
Subversion. You can write scripts to automate this, but Subversion
won't call them for you.
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Received on Thu Sep 27 00:41:41 2007