From: Ingo Schmidt <>
Date: 2007-03-23 18:23:34 CET
Hi everyone!
I have asked this before but got no reply, so lets bring this up
Let's assume I have an svn dumpfile that would create the following
Now I want to split this into 3 single repositories called "Project
Project X:
So let's say I want to split off Project A. I tried:
1. cat dumpfile | svndumpfilter include "trunk/Project A" > "Project A"
This fails. All projects get included, since all project names start
So the only approach left seems to be to exclude everything except
cat dumpfile | svndumpfilter exclude "trunk/Project AB" "trunk/Project ABC" > "Project A"
In my example case this is no problem, but given a really big
Ok, now that I have written up all my exclude filters comes the
I do want to get rid of the folders called "Project X". In my split up
So I could run svndumpfilter again, this time on one of the split
That is a lot of svndumpfilter and also sed and it takes bloody ages
Or did I simply not see easier ways of splitting this?
Cheers, Ingo =;->
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