Hey all,
I already emailed the list in regards to some basic concepts of subversion. I am at the point where I am discovering that in order to get the changes made commited to the repository I will need to use something like a post commit hook script.
My understanding from what I have been googling is you can write these in any language just make it executable. I notice I think most people tend to write them in PERL.
My question is how do I know what to copy in the script cause I want to copy only what is new. Being doing some Googlin and just finding lots of email examples but nothing related to copying (kind of like deploying), or use of variables, syntax meaning etc...
If anyone has any examples, a different idea on how to do this, or point me in the correct direction on this I'd appreciate it. This is for a Windows environment.
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Received on Fri Mar 9 20:39:35 2007