Hi Andreas,
That ("use-commit-times") did not answer the question
"when it's checked into and out of the respository"
"how can I get subversion to preserve the date-time "
"when the file was last *really* changed?".
The "use-commit-times" specifically uses the time
you committed into the library, as opposed to
the time you last CHANGED the file. And it does not
even do that! If you change a file in 1999, then you
move it into subversion in 2005, then you
take it out of subversion and re-check it into
subversion in 2007, it will have the date 2007,
not 2005. So it is not the time it last changed
its check-in date into subversion, but rather the
MOST RECENT check-in date into subversion.
What subversion needs is the option to
"use-file-modify-times" instead of commit times.
If that option were to become available, then
the first time someone started copying files
around, they would see the problem and
start using that "use-file-modify-times"
Mike Brenner
Andreas Schweigstill wrote:
> Dear Dave!
> Dave Nadler schrieb:
>> Help ! I read the pragmatic book, searched the documentation, and
>> cannot find out how to do this (or if it is indeed possible).
>> Apologies if it is documented and I've somehow overlooked it...
> Yes, you overlooked it. The keyword is "use-commit-times".
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.html
> With best regards
> Andreas Schweigstill
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Received on Tue Jan 2 17:20:24 2007