Hi all,
With some help from all of you, my start-commit script is working fine
but it's a little to restrictive.
Here's part of the script:
<file://\\Snidely\whiplash\SubVersion\bin\svnlook> changed %1 -t %2 |
find /I "tags"
if errorlevel 1 goto commit_ok
echo Commits are not allowed to any of the branches in the 'tags'
folder. >&2
exit 1
exit 0
I have two questions:
1) If the script truely runs with no environment (no path or anything) I
would expect the find command to fail as find.exe would not be found.
Why does this work?
2) It's a little to restrictive. I don't want to allow changes to be
commited to the tags folder but I want to allow new things to be added.
Specifically, copies from another area of the repository that we think
is ready for release. I don't see how to distinguish the operation
being performed. Is such a thing possible?
I'm using Windows XP...
Received on Fri Dec 15 18:20:17 2006