On Nov 29, 2006, at 09:17, Alfonso Urdaneta wrote:
> So I was able to talk my company into trying out subversion, and so I
> appear to be having issues. Our reposotiry is going to be something
> like 50k files. I'm partially through testing, and as of right now, I
> have about 16k / 400M worth of files checked in to svn. Note that
> this
> is less than 1/3 of what I intend to put in there, which is why I am
> very concerned about scaling issues.
> For some reason, I am unable to do a full checkout. I know that it is
> not a network issue, as my test machine and server are on their own
> hub,
> isolated from the network. Checkouts fail,
In what way do checkouts fail? What error message appears? Do you get
the same message if you check out just a part of the repository? Is
it just one section of the repository that displays this error when
you check it out?
> and when I do a cleanup, I get errors along the lines of
> C:\code\h60_fast\indra>svn cleanup
> svn: In directory 'JSAF4\trunk\libsrc\libphysdb\physdb_data'
> svn: Error processing command 'modify-wcprop' in
> 'JSAF4\trunk\libsrc\libphysdb\p
> hysdb_data'
> svn: 'JSAF4\trunk\libsrc\libphysdb\physdb_data\vehicle_US_LCU.rdr' is
> not under
> version control
> even though I can clearly see the file under viewvc.
> Server is linux, client is windows, I am running the command line svn
> client, not the tortoise one.
Do you have a case collision here -- two files in the repository
whose names differ only in case, for example like
"vehicle_US_LCU.rdr" and "vehicle_us_lcu.rdr"? Subversion's case-
sensitive file system has no problem storing two such files, but
Windows' case-insensitive file system cannot have both of these files
in the same directory. Subversion does not display very useful error
messages in case this situation comes about. If this is the situation
you have, then decide whether you really need both of these files. If
not, delete the one you don't need (by using direct repository URLs
-- "svn rm url://to/server/.../physdb_data/vehicle_us_lcu.rdr"). If
you do need both, and you need them both to be in the same directory,
then you cannot check out on Windows (or the default Mac OS X file
system either). This is not a problem of Subversion, but of the file
system you're using on the client.
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Received on Wed Nov 29 20:50:35 2006