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RE: svn:eol-style issue

From: Lityagin, Alexandr <Alexandr.Lityagin_at_transas.com>
Date: 2006-10-31 08:49:11 CET

Hallo Guilio, i have gotten same problems. The reason was in bug of my
editor - it realy saves some lines with wrong EOL. I have to heal them
by another editor. But in unix, as i know, the some utility provided to
heal and change EOL for files. IMHO, It would be an great major to
provide this utility in TSVN for automaticaly heal broken files at
commit/import, but at present i do it manualy.
-----Original Message-----
From: Giulio Troccoli [mailto:Giulio.Troccoli@uk.linedata.com]
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 5:07 PM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: svn:eol-style issue
Hi everybody,
I have an issue with the EOL and consequently with the svn:eol-style
property. I have found another post about it but it didn't say how to
solve the issue, and also it was a bit old so maybe now we do have a
The problem is across-platform problem. We have Subversion 1.3 installed
on a Linux box, but the product is maintained on AIX, Solaris and
Windows. All developers use Visual Studio to do their job and
TortoiseSVN to commit the changes.
On AIX and Windows everything is fine, but on Solaris sometimes the
build failed because the compiler does not like the EOL of some files.
These happens (and strangely not always) when the files have been edited
using Visual Studio.
I read the Subversion documentation and I found the svn:eol-style
property. I have set it to native on ALL source files, and that's when I
started having the issue.
Now, when I tried to commit some changes from Windows, the commit failed
Error Commit failed (details follow):
Error File '*****' has inconsistent newlines
Error Inconsistent line ending style
In this cases I have to delete the svn:eol-style property on those files
and commit again. This, however, means that I cannot be sure that the
build on the Solaris platform will succeed because I cannot be sure that
the EOL on those files will be correct for that platform.
What can I do?
Giulio Troccoli
Technical Consultant
Linedata Services (UK) Ltd. Bishopsgate Court, 4-12 Norton Folgate,
London E1 6DB
T +44 (0)20 7360 1914 F +44 (0)20 7360 1974
E <mailto:giulio.troccoli@uk.linedata.com>
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Received on Tue Oct 31 15:02:37 2006

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