RE: Pre-Commit Hook to Manipulate?
From: <>
Date: 2006-10-05 16:40:04 CEST
>>From: "Felix Gilcher" <> [mailto:"Felix Gilcher"
>>Subject: AW: Pre-Commit Hook to Manipulate?
.> It looks like a couple of large XML files with binary-looking CDATA
>> sections are playing with the emotions of my 1.3.2 server (accessed
>> via Apache with SSL and clientside certs). The files commit fine, but
>> they can't be initially checked out.
>The safest way to do this from a precommit hook: Not at all.
>While it may technically be possible you're just inviting trouble to come
>knocking at your door (primary reason: the commit differs from what the
>client thinks it did commit, leading to trouble on the next update because
>diffs won't line up etc.).
>Instead: go for the autoprops route or write a script that wraps
>the commandline client (or uses the perl/python api). In addition
>write a precommit-hook that checks wether the file conforms to the
>given requirements and if not rejects the commit with a friendly and
>comprehensive message.
Clients are Mac OSX (mostly command line, some using the Java SVN client),
Is there a way in a pre-commit hook to capture "all" of a file's attributes
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