On 7/15/06, Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2006c@ryandesign.com> wrote:
> It has been said on this list that Subversion was never intended to
> support cross-repository merging like this, that this use is
> unsupported, and the fact that it happens (or seems) to work when
> both repositories use the same protocol is an accident rather than a
> feature. IIRC, it was also stated that this was going to be disabled
> entirely in a future version of Subversion -- perhaps as soon as
> 1.4.0, I'm not sure.
> IOW, I don't know how to do what you want, though I too would like to
> know if there's a good answer.
All right, thatīs a pity, I guess people do this with svk, bzr and all those
other systems I would like to have avoided learning. It seemed such
a common request.
> Where I work, we do use the vendor branch strategy. We download
> released tarballs of the 3rd-party projects we're interested in and
> bring them into the /vendor section of our own repository -- initial
> import using svn import, subsequent updates using svn_load_dirs.pl.
> When we want to make a version of one of those projects with a few
> local modifications, we copy the project out of /vendor to some other
> path in the repository (usually under a directory for whatever
> customer we're doing this for -- for example yesterday I helped a
> coworker set up a modified version of phpBB for one of our
> customers). Local modifications can then take place in that copied
> directory, and the modified project can be deployed from there. As
> soon as we want to merge in a newer version of the upstream code,
> that's no problem. First, we load it into /vendor with
> svn_load_dirs.pl, then we merge the changes from there into the copy
> in the customer's directory.
Thanks! I guess it is not a lot of work to do an export - svn_load_dirs -
merge - cycle every once in a while.
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Received on Sat Jul 15 19:36:17 2006