Andre Ambrosio wrote:
> I'm not using YUM because I always installed with RPM and have heard that mixing them coudl cause some problems. Unfortunately, I can't up2date right now because I can't run any risc in this production server.
[going a little OT here]
yum is something of an overlay on top of rpm that handles a lot of the
tedious dependency-checking you have to do manually if you just try to
install an arbitrary package directly with rpm.
What might be a better comparison for mixing package tools would be
mixing dpkg (Debian's core package handler) and rpm package installs -
neither really knows about the other, so even if you have something
installed via one tool, if you try to install something with the other
tool that depends on the first thing it will fail thinking there's a
missing dependency.
yum is closer in function to Debian's apt.
> The perl-base is the last dependence to solve so I can install APXS, unless there is anyhow to download the source and compile it too. But I couldn't find in the Apache's website.
Unfortunately, once you start down the path of replacing stock "core"
packages (eg, Apache/APR, Perl) with your own customized ones or
third-party packages - from whatever source - you often end up no better
off than if you had installed the entire system from source due to
cascading dependency chains. :/ (As a for-instance, if you replace the
stock Apache package, you likely have to replace ALL of the module
packages. This gets very messy very quickly.)
On RHEL3 and its free clones, you *should* be able to install the
httpd-devel package, which should give you the apxs utility.
However, Subversion's requirements are very quickly moving past a number
of system libraries on RHEL3, many of which are tightly integrated
enough that upgrading them is NOT an option.
In order to build from source, but use the system APR, I found this
would produce binaries (including the Apache modules necessary) without
compile errors: (From within the unpacked Subversion source tree)
rm -rf apr apr-util/
perl -pi.orig -e 's/\.\[5-9\]/\.\[4-9\]/' configure
Note that I have no idea if this will produce *working* binaries, and
I'm not certain what other -devel or -dev packages you may need.
Attempting to build packages based on this seems to fail somewhere in
the swig or Perl bits, but for a direct source install you should be OK.
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Received on Wed Jun 28 19:47:45 2006