Installing suberversion to allow versioning on multiple projects
From: Matthew Kidd <>
Date: 2006-06-12 23:33:17 CEST
I was tasked with the conversion of our versioning system from CVS to subversion. So far things are going smoothly but I am getting confused with the aspect of keeping the versioning separate amongst our several projects and avoid the "synchronous" versioning that would occur if all the projects were in one repository.
The place I am getting confused is right after the "svnadmin create /path/to/repos" that creates the central repository. I don't want that. I want separate repositories for each project that we have resulting in a directory structure like below:
Do I need to create central repositories for each project? If so how do the directories created via the "svnadmin create" factor in to the directory structure I want above?
As far as importing the the actual files I have a decent grasp of that as well but that seems to be contingent on the answer to the former question in that I know that I want the files exported from CVS (top skim, no history) placed in the trunk directory but the explanation provided in the Quick Start is a little confusing so I'm unsure of the actual result of performing the import command.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
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