Hal Vaughan wrote:
> This is probably something so obvious I'm missing it.
> I have one master directory and a number of directories within that,
> most of which I don't want in my SVN repository. I have two
> directories, though, that I want in the same repository so their
> versions are kept in sync, both my bin and PerlMods directories.
> How do I specify to SVN to create a repository with both those
> subdirectories, but no other directories within that main directory?
Create a repository. Check it out into the top level directory (svn co
<repos> .), which makes the top level directory a working copy. "svn
add" the two directories you want to track, and then set the svn:ignore
property on the top-level directory to ignore everything else in there.
(I think you can set it to *, and weed out everything in one go, but I'm
not 100% positive.) Commit.
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Received on Fri Jun 9 20:57:15 2006