I have a situation where a user makes a local modification to a file in
a working copy:
vineet_at_quesadilla:/var/tmp$ svn co -r34214 svn+ssh://svn/users/joe/test
A test/test
A test/test2
A test/test2/file
A test/test2/file2
A test/test3
A test/test3/project
A test/test3/project/pants
A test/test3/project/pants/blah
A test/test-move
A test/test-move/new
A test/test-move/new/stuff
A test/pants
A test/pants/blah
A test/project
Checked out revision 34214.
vineet@quesadilla:/var/tmp$ cd test
vineet@quesadilla:/var/tmp/test$ echo "goodbye" >> test3/project/pants/blah
vineet@quesadilla:/var/tmp/test$ svn diff
Index: test3/project/pants/blah
--- test3/project/pants/blah (revision 34214)
+++ test3/project/pants/blah (working copy)
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
Now another user goes and moves test3/project/pants to test3/pants.
When the first user does an "svn update", they now get a new directory
test3/pants without their local modification in it. Their local change
isn't discarded; the file still exists at project/pants/blah, but
project/pants is no longer a working copy.
svn switch provides a bit more warning to the user in this situation:
vineet@quesadilla:/var/tmp/test$ svn st -u
* test3/pants/blah
* test3/pants
M 34214 test3/project/pants/blah
* 34214 test3/project
* 34214 test3
Status against revision: 34231
vineet_at_quesadilla:/var/tmp/test$ svn switch svn+ssh://svn/users/joe/test
svn: Won't delete locally modified directory 'test3'
svn: File 'test3/project/pants/blah' has local modifications
Is there a way to get svn update to do anything more in this type of
situation? Even just emitting a warning that it was removing a
directory but leaving behind files with local modifications would be
much better. Currently, it just does this silently.
I'm using subversion 1.2.3.
good times,
Received on Fri Jun 2 18:14:21 2006