I am trying the python subversion API.
So, I tried the example from the book where
svn_client_status is used. It worked fine.
Then I made a simple modification changing
svn_client_status to svn_client_status2.
As consequence, I also added the new parameter
ignore_externals as 0 just before ctx.
I got the following error message:
TypeError: argument number 3: a 'svn_wc_status_func2_t' is expected,
'function(<function _status_callback at 0xb7b30e2c>)' is received
What is wrong? This seems to make no sense in python!
Anyway, how can I know what parameters to use when calling
python binding functions?
The c headers helped me but they
didn't match exactly the python ones.
I don't know SWIG. Is this needed?
Thanks for any help.
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Received on Mon Jan 16 04:28:49 2006