Is there a way to utilize the existing group in NIS?
In your svnaccess.conf, are account1,account2, and account3 nis users or I
need to create account1, account2, and account3 locally?
Thanks you for your help.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lieven Govaerts []
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Svn configuration help needed.
Hi Lu,
you need 'Per-Directory Access Control' for that, which can be achieved
using the authz_svn module ( which you already include ).
In httpd.conf, in your /svn Location, add:
# access control policy
AuthzSVNAccessFile /svn/config/svnaccess.conf ( change path and
filename according to your environment )
and drop the 'Require eng' line. You will be doing this in another way.
Then create a new file svnaccess.conf like this:
eng = account1, account2
arch = account1, account3
tools = account1, account3
* =
eng = rw
arch = rw
tools = rw
Disadvantage is that you have to maintain the list of users ( which user
belongs to which group ) in the svnaccess.conf file.
Check the Subversion book for a better explanation:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chien-Chung Lu []
> Sent: dinsdag 27 december 2005 7:47
> To:
> Subject: Svn configuration help needed.
> Hi, All,
> I am very new at svn and appreciate if anyone can give me some
> pointers,
> Here is my current setup -
> svn, version 1.2.3 (r15833) with Apache 2.0 I have setup repositories
> as http://wwwin/svn/repos1/secured/trunk
> http://wwwin/svn/repos1/secured/branches
> http://wwwin/svn/repos1/secured/tags
> http://wwwin/svn/repos1/public/trunk
> http://wwwin/svn/repos1/public/branches
> http://wwwin/svn/repos1/public/tags
> and same on repos2
> http://wwwin/svn/repos2
> Under /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, I have
> LoadModule access_module modules/ LoadModule auth_module
> modules/ LoadModule auth_anon_module
> modules/ LoadModule auth_dbm_module
> modules/ LoadModule auth_digest_module
> modules/ LoadModule auth_pam_module
> modules/ LoadModule auth_sys_group_module
> LoadModule dav_svn_module /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
> LoadModule authz_svn_module /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
> <Location /svn>
> DAV svn
> SVNParentPath /import/svn
> AuthType Basic
> AuthName "Subversion Repository"
> Require group eng
> </Location>
> Under nis, I have group eng, arch, tools How do I modify httpd.conf so
> # eng group can access repos1/public, but not repos1/secured.
> # only arch group can access repos1/secured # only tools group can
> access repos2/secured
> How do I modify <Location /svn> to achive what I need?
> Appreciate your help.
> Thanks.
> -Lu
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