On Dec 13, 2005, at 17:52, Chris Shenton wrote:
> We've got a number of repos for different projects. One has a
> subdirectory hierarchy of test-suite code. Our developers would like
> to pull that out into its own repository.
> Any suggestions on how best
> to pull out that test hierarchy and populate a totally new repo, while
> preserving existing changelog info? is it as easy as something like
> the following, or will the distinct repos break things?
> svn mv http://svnhost/proj1/testsuite https://svnhost/tests/
> testsuite
You cannot svn mv between repositories.
Read about svnadmin dump [1], svnadmin load, and svndumpfilter [2].
You can dump your old repository to a text file, then filter out just
the test suites and import that into a new repository. You can then
either simply svn rm the test suites from the primary repository, or,
if you don't want the test suites' history to remain in the primary
repository and/or are concerned about the associated disk usage, you
could filter the test suites out of the dump file and import the rest
into a new repository and use that as your new production repository.
If you do that, though, the repository will obviously be inaccessible
while you do the switchover, and afterwards everyone will need to
throw out their old working copies and get new ones, which may be a
[1] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch05s03.html#svn-ch-5-sect-3.1.2
[2] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch05s03.html#svn-ch-5-sect-3.1.3
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Received on Mon Dec 19 11:11:23 2005